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My activities at the Institute of Philosophy belonging to the University of Warsaw:

  • Article: "Transmission of the idea of nothingness in the visual arts of the twentieth century" (for the Polish National Scientific Conference "Nothingness",  20-21.09. 2019)


  • Article:  "The Phenomenon of Functional Memory in the Context of Selected Actions and Artifacts that Constitute Cultural Identity" (for the Polish National Scientific Conference "Collective memory and collective oblivion",  17-18.05. 2019)


My another articles:


  •  "NARRATIVE IN METAPHYSICS AND ETHICS: Narrative identity in the context of the struggle with modern communication technology design."


  • "Echoes of memory mechanisms in Polish contemporary art"


  • "Melancholy - State of creative minds. History of melancholy in culture-creating activities" 


  • "The Garden of Earthly Delights. A mystical journey with Bosch along the trail of hidden symbols"

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